Try a Traditional New Mexican Recipe!

Try a Traditional New Mexican Recipe!

Explore New Mexico from Your Kitchen One of the best ways to experience New Mexico is through our amazing cuisine. With big bold flavors, unique combinations and mouth-watering taste, New Mexican food can satisfy any foodie. Piñon Nuts Sopa (Spanish Bread Pudding)...
Pinto Beans

Pinto Beans

Pinto beans, common as they may be, have some really incredible traits which have kept them popular, and in our company, for a long time.  Learn more about this deliciously nutritious food! 


Nuts About Piñon? The seeds of New Mexico’s official state tree, the Piñon Pine (adopted in 1949) have long sustained Native peoples and Hispanic settlers; a cultural and economic tradition going back generations. Learn more about this tasty and nutritious little nut,...
Buffalo Gourd

Buffalo Gourd

This indigenous species from the squash family grows throughout Northern Mexico, Western and Southwestern United States. If you are lucky enough to live in the West then you have surely seen this plant. It grows on the side of the road all summer, sending out long...