Las Golondrinas Hosts National Secretaries of States

El Rancho de las Golondrinas, the Southwest’s premier living history museum, was chosen to host secretaries of states and their families from across the U.S. for an evening focused on New Mexico history and authentic New Mexican food. Las Golondrinas featured a matanza-style food menu, live entertainment, docent-led hands-on demonstrations of tin stamping, weaving and…

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Curator’s Corner: What is That Thing?

Threshing Sled

A Threshing Sled by Amanda Mather So, you may wonder—what is this thing you’re looking at? Is it a cart of a thousand tiny cuts? A medieval torture device? The world’s meanest sled? Well, it’s pretty much the last one—it’s a threshing sled! Take this bad boy, throw some wheat on a threshing floor, then…

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