764 Pounds of Produce Donated!

Las Golondrinas Field Crops

El Rancho de las Golondrinas is a proud supporter of The Food Depot and its mission to end hunger in Northern New Mexico. In 2016, we were very pleased to donate 764 pounds of assorted produce, grown right here in our own fields, to The Food Depot. This donation of food made a huge impact in the lives of those who face hunger every day:  the single parent struggling to make ends meet; grandparents raising their grandchildren on fixed incomes; hard-working adults skipping meals so their children can eat; seniors who can’t afford both medication and food; a homeless family seeking shelter; and children going without food when they are away from school.

The Food Depot serves as the food bank for Northern New Mexico. Currently, the food bank supplies food and related products to 145 partner agencies located throughout nine counties. Partner agencies are nonprofit organizations such as food pantries, hot meal programs, homeless shelters, youth programs, senior centers, homes for the mentally disabled and shelters for battered families. In 2016, The Food Depot distributed 6,193,504 pounds of food, providing nearly 5.2 million meals to people in need.

We are very proud of our continuing partnership with The Food Depot and the small part we are able to play in improving the lives of our neighbors in need.

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