Las Golondrinas Hosts National Secretaries of States

El Rancho de las Golondrinas, the Southwest’s premier living history museum, was chosen to host secretaries of states and their families from across the U.S. for an evening focused on New Mexico history and authentic New Mexican food. Las Golondrinas featured a matanza-style food menu, live entertainment, docent-led hands-on demonstrations of tin stamping, weaving and…

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Curator’s Corner: What is That Thing?

Threshing Sled

A Threshing Sled by Amanda Mather So, you may wonder—what is this thing you’re looking at? Is it a cart of a thousand tiny cuts? A medieval torture device? The world’s meanest sled? Well, it’s pretty much the last one—it’s a threshing sled! Take this bad boy, throw some wheat on a threshing floor, then…

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Las Golondrinas Has Roaring Start for its 2019 Season

El Rancho de las Golondrinas, the living history museum south of Santa Fe, enjoyed a roaring start to its 2019 season. Attendance for its Spring Festival last weekend was up 40 percent over last year’s opener. Gift shop sales were up 300 percent, and more than 30 visitors purchased memberships that offer significant discounts. One…

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Las Golondrinas at Sandia National Laboratories’ “Intern Day”

El Rancho de las Golondrinas, the Southwest’s Premier Living History Museum, recently joined with other organizations in Sandia National Laboratories’ “Intern Day” in Albuquerque. The high impact event was held for over 700 Sandia interns from all over the U.S. to learn how uniquely wonderful the area is, and to create memorable experiences that increase…

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Object of the Month

Buffalo Gourd

Buffalo Gourd by Amanda Mather Since we are about to (finally!) start into the hot long days of summer I thought I would talk about something that always makes me think of those fun spicy days! Buffalo Gourd, or Curbita foetidissima if you want to get fancy science talk about it, is an indigenous species…

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Talk Tuesdays

May 21st Acequia Culture & Water Rights by Las Golondrinas Board Members, JJ Gonzales, Michael Romero Taylor and Kyle Harwood  El agua es la vida. Come and learn about Acequia systems and all their complexities from three Golondrinas Board Members. Their vast knowledge encompasses everything from water law to the history and future of Acequias…

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Rocky’s Bird Tour

Rocky Tucker's Bird Tour

Come and join Golondrinas volunteer Rocky Tucker as he leads you through the property in search of all our winged residents. You may get a chance to see our albino robin or a majestic blue heron. The tour will be on May 18th starting at 8 am. Make sure to bring walking shoes and a…

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Golondrinas Has a New Caterer for the 2019 Season

YouthWorks is the New Caterer at Golondrinas

El Rancho de las Golondrinas AND ¡YouthWorks!…two great organizations one great team!!! Awesome news—¡YouthWorks! will be the new caterer for Las Golondrinas’ 2019 museum season. Delicious food, exciting educational programs and two amazing organizations together at the Southwest’s premier living history museum, El Rancho de las Golondrinas. Opening day June 1st. For almost 18 years,…

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Object of the Month


Yucca by Amanda Mather Man, what would we do without the yucca plant? I mean, we eat it, we use it for fiber, we use it for needles and awls, we make sandals out of it, we make soap out of it, we love the stuff! It is also, real dork fact here, the official…

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Spanish Colonial Days

Spanish Colonial Days

They are here again. The most fun school children have had since spring break. Spanish Colonial Days are jam-packed with fun things for children of all ages to learn and explore. Tin stamping, wool washing, milling, blacksmithing, corn-grinding, and so much more. This year SCD will be held in early April. The dates are as follows:…

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